Закончите предложения модальными глаголами (can, can’t, could, couldn’t, must, mustn’t, have to, don’t have to , doesn’t have to, should…) 1. You ……………..talk or eat in class. 2. « …………you move over a bit so I can sit down, please? » he asked. 3. She looked pale in the doctor’s office. She ………………be ill 4. She …………………….. water the garden as I have already done it. 5. You …………..respect your teachers and your classmates. ПОМОГИТЕ ПОЖАЛУЙСТА. Заранее спасибо!

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

Закончите предложения модальными глаголами (can, can’t, could, couldn’t, must, mustn’t, have to, don’t have to , doesn’t have to, should…)

1. You ……………..talk or eat in class.
2. « …………you move over a bit so I can sit down, please? » he asked.
3. She looked pale in the doctor’s office. She ………………be ill 4. She …………………….. water the garden as I have already done it. 5. You …………..respect your teachers and your classmates.


Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык


1. Mustn’t 2.could 3. Can 4.doesn’t have to 5. Should


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