Задание 3. Соедините начало предложения (1-10) с подходящим по смыслу окончанием (a-j). 1. When I get home from work, 2. If you phone Ally, 3. When you finish this paper, 4. When it stops raining, 5. If you don’t hurry, 6. When I am on holiday, 7. If they don’t come soon, 8. If I go shopping, 9. When she grows up, 10. If they waste all money, a) she will become a teacher. b) I am going to read books. c) I will buy some food. d) I will phone you. e) you’ll be late. f) I won’t wait for them. g) tell her I miss. h) they’ll get into troubles. i) please give it to me. j) we will go for a walk.

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

Задание 3.

Соедините начало предложения (1-10) с подходящим по смыслу окончанием (a-j).

1. When I get home from work,

2. If you phone Ally,

3. When you finish this paper,

4. When it stops raining,

5. If you don’t hurry,

6. When I am on holiday,

7. If they don’t come soon,

8. If I go shopping,

9. When she grows up,

10. If they waste all money,

a) she will become a teacher.

b) I am going to read books.

c) I will buy some food.

d) I will phone you.

e) you’ll be late.

f) I won’t wait for them.

g) tell her I miss.

h) they’ll get into troubles.

i) please give it to me.

j) we will go for a walk.

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

1. When I get home from work, 
d) I will phone you. 
2. If you phone Ally, 

g) tell her I miss her. 
3. When you finish this paper, 

i) please give it to me.
4. When it stops raining, 

j) we will go for a walk. 
5. If you don’t hurry, 

e) you’ll be late. 
6. When I am on holiday, 

b) I am going to read books. 
7. If they don’t come soon, 

f) I won’t wait for them. 
8. If I go shopping, 

c) I will buy some food. 
9. When she grows up, 
a) she will become a teacher. 

10. If they waste all money, 
h) they’ll get into troubles.

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