Завершите предложение, выбрав глагол в Present Continuous или в Present Simple. 1. Listen! My friend …the song. a) sings b) sing c) is singing 2. We…. every day. a) swim b) are swimming c) is swimming 3. I … now. a) watch TV b) am watching TV c) is watching TV 4. They … to visit galleries and museums. a) likes b) are liking c) like 5. Jack and Bill … now. a) play football b) are playing football c) are playing 6. Look! They … to the library now. a) go b) are going c) is going 7. The children … at the moment. a) write b) are writing c) is writing

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

Завершите предложение, выбрав глагол в Present Continuous или в Present Simple.

1. Listen! My friend …the song.

a) sings

b) sing

c) is singing

2. We…. every day.

a) swim

b) are swimming

c) is swimming

3. I … now.

a) watch TV

b) am watching TV

c) is watching TV

4. They … to visit galleries and museums.

a) likes

b) are liking

c) like

5. Jack and Bill … now.

a) play football

b) are playing football

c) are playing

6. Look! They … to the library now.

a) go

b) are going

c) is going

7. The children … at the moment.

a) write

b) are writing

c) is writing

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык


The children writed at the now moment

Look! They going the library now

остальное хз

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