Завершите побудительные предложения. 1. Have 2. Go out here 3. Don’t look me 4. Let’s go! 5. Don’t take anything from him! 6. Listen to me! 7. Look here 8. Discuss your grades 9. Put it in your pocket 10. Tell them the truth

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

Завершите побудительные предложения. 1. Have
2. Go out here
3. Don’t look me
4. Let’s go!
5. Don’t take anything from him!
6. Listen to me!
7. Look here
8. Discuss your grades
9. Put it in your pocket
10. Tell them the truth

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык


1.have a pen with you during an exam

2.go out here,it’s my room

3.don’t look at me when i’m eating

4.let’s go home

5.Don’t take anything from him!he looks suspicios

6.listen to me when i’m talking to you

7.look here ,they’ve come

8.always discuss your grades with parents

9.put it in your pocket,because somebody can see it

10.tell them the truth that you dropped out of school


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