Дополнить предложение глаголами из скобок в пассивном состоянии в указанном грамматическом времени. 1. My bicycle _______ (steal)! (Present Perfect) 2. The wedding ______ (film) by the TV crew. (Past Continuous) 3. All the sandwiches _____ (eat) before we arrived at the party. (Past Perfect) 4. This concert _____ (broadcast) live. Switch off your mobiles! (Present Continuous) 5. Only 20 tests ____ (mark) so far. (Present Perfect) 6. The rock star _____ (interview) at the moment. (Present Continuous) Дополнить предложения инфинитивом в пассивном состоянии. 1. Animals in the zoo mustn’t ______ (feed) by tourists. 2. The winner will _____ (give) two million dollars. 3. The match should _____ (win) by our team. 4. My granddad doesn’t want to _____ (take) to hospital. 5. They needn’t _____ (show) round the Old Town. 6. I wouldn’t like to _____ (laugh) at.

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

Дополнить предложение глаголами из скобок в пассивном состоянии в указанном грамматическом времени.
1. My bicycle _______ (steal)! (Present Perfect)
2. The wedding ______ (film) by the TV crew. (Past Continuous)
3. All the sandwiches _____ (eat) before we arrived at the party. (Past Perfect)
4. This concert _____ (broadcast) live. Switch off your mobiles! (Present Continuous)
5. Only 20 tests ____ (mark) so far. (Present Perfect)
6. The rock star _____ (interview) at the moment. (Present Continuous)
Дополнить предложения инфинитивом в пассивном состоянии.
1. Animals in the zoo mustn’t ______ (feed) by tourists.
2. The winner will _____ (give) two million dollars.
3. The match should _____ (win) by our team.
4. My granddad doesn’t want to _____ (take) to hospital.
5. They needn’t _____ (show) round the Old Town.
6. I wouldn’t like to _____ (laugh) at.

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык


1. has been stolen

2. was being filmed

3. had been eaten

4. is being broadcasted

5. have been marked

6. is being interviewed

1. be fed

2. be given

3. be won

4. be taken

5. be shown

6. be laughed

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