ДАЮ 30 БАЛЛОВпомогите перевести в косвеную речь1) “When did you visit the Buckingham Palace?”, he asks me.2) “Don’t do that again!” he says to me 3) “I borrowed you favourite jumper,” David says to Peter4) “I didn’t leave the garden gate open,” she says to her father​

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

помогите перевести в косвеную речь
1) “When did you visit the Buckingham Palace?”, he asks me.
2) “Don’t do that again!” he says to me
3) “I borrowed you favourite jumper,” David says to Peter

4) “I didn’t leave the garden gate open,” she says to her father

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

He asked me when had i visited the Buckingham Palace

ge said to me not to do that

David said to Peter that he had borrowed him favourite jumper

She said to her father that she hadn’t left the garden gate open

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