Дам 20 баллов Заполни пропуски подходящим по смыслу словам из рамки. fond, collection, hobby, thematic, stamps, cinemagoer, theme, reading, cartoons, proud, collecting, Dear Kate, Thank you for your letter. I was happy to hear from you. I am going to tell you about my 1——hobby——. I like 2——collecting—— different things: coins, badges, CDs, toys and other things. But most of all I am3 ———- of collecting 4———. I have got a big5 —collection—- of stamps. My collection is 6 ————. The7 ————— of my collection is animals. I have got stamps from different countries and I am 8——— of it. My mother`s hobby is 9———. She likes reading novels. My brother is fond of watching films and10 ——-. He is a 11———. What is your hobby? Do you like collecting stamps? Write back soon. Love, Mary

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

Дам 20 баллов

Заполни пропуски подходящим по смыслу словам из рамки.

fond, collection, hobby, thematic, stamps, cinemagoer,

theme, reading, cartoons, proud, collecting,

Dear Kate,

Thank you for your letter. I was happy to hear from you.

I am going to tell you about my 1——hobby——. I like 2——collecting—— different things: coins, badges, CDs, toys and other things. But most of all I am3 ———- of collecting 4———. I have got a big5 —collection—- of stamps. My collection is 6 ————. The7 ————— of my collection is animals. I have got stamps from different countries and I am 8——— of it. My mother`s hobby is 9———. She likes reading novels. My brother is fond of watching films and10 ——-. He is a 11———.

What is your hobby? Do you like collecting stamps?

Write back soon.



Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

1. —

2. —

3. fond

4. stamps


6. thematic


8. proud

9.  reading



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