Дам 100 баллов ! Преобразовать в passive voice,а потом Составьте предложения в пассивном залоге.(утверждение,отрицание,вопрос,спец.вопрос,вопрос к подлежащему.) Спам не писать ! 1-вариант А) The doctor prescribes him hypotensive drug . Б) Mr.Black was infected with hypochondria. 3-вариант А)The nurse must calm him. Б) The child has a high temperature . 2-вариант А)The doctor diagnosed arterial spasm . Б)She took her husband”s temperature. 4-вариант А) The patient is kept in bed. Б) The rash appears on the second day.  

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

Дам 100 баллов !
Преобразовать в passive voice,а потом
Составьте предложения в пассивном залоге.(утверждение,отрицание,вопрос,спец.вопрос,вопрос к подлежащему.)

Спам не писать !


А) The doctor prescribes him hypotensive drug .
Б) Mr.Black was infected with hypochondria.

А)The nurse must calm him.
Б) The child has a high temperature .

А)The doctor diagnosed arterial spasm .
Б)She took her husband”s temperature.

А) The patient is kept in bed.
Б) The rash appears on the second day.  

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

A) Hypotensive drug is
prescribed to him by the doctor.  

 Hypotensive drug is not prescribed to him by the doctor.

 Is thypotensive drug  prescribed to him by the doctor?

  Why is hypotensive drug  prescribed to him by the doctor?

  What is
prescribed to him by the doctor?

  B) Mr.Black was infected with hypochondria.

Mr.Black was not infected with hypochondria.

Mr.Black  infected with hypochondria?
When w
Mr.Black  infected with hypochondria?
Mr.Black  infected with?

3  A)

He must be calmed by the nurse.

He must not be calmed by the nurse.

Must he be calmed by the nurse?

must he be calmed by the nurse?

must be calmed by the nurse?
  B) нельзя в пассиве

2 A)
Arterial spasm was diagnosed by the doctor.

Arterial spasm was not diagnosed by the doctor.

arterial spasm diagnosed by the doctor?

was arterial spasm  diagnosed by the doctor?
Who  diagnosed arterial spasm?


B)  The husband’s temperature  was taken by her.

 The husband’s temperature  was not taken by her.

Was the husband’s temperature taken by her?

When was the husband’s temperature taken by her?

Who took the husband’s temperature?

4  A)
The patient is kept in bed.

The patient is not kept in bed. 

Is the patient kept in bed?

Why is t
he patient kept in bed?
Who is kept in bed?

   B)  нельзя в пассиве

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