Выбрать и записать правильный пункт.
1. Tom lives in a large block of … (tents, hotels, flats).

2. They are staying in a fantastic … while they’re on holiday (palace, tent, hotel).

3. Are you …? I totally disagree with you! (brilliant, strange, serious).

4. There are too many … about what we can and can’t do (timetables, rules, reasons).

5. We pay the … for our house every month (ticket, price, rent).

6. He’s going to the International Summer … in August (house, flat, school).

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

Выбрать и записать правильный пункт.
1. Tom lives in a large block of … (tents, hotels, flats).

2. They are staying in a fantastic … while they’re on holiday (palace, tent, hotel).

3. Are you …? I totally disagree with you! (brilliant, strange, serious).

4. There are too many … about what we can and can’t do (timetables, rules, reasons).

5. We pay the … for our house every month (ticket, price, rent).

6. He’s going to the International Summer … in August (house, flat, school).

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

1 flats
2 hotel
3 serious
4 rules
5 rent
6 school

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