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Do you believe that some jobs are more (SUIT) for men and some occupations are more appropriate for women? If you do, don’t tell John Taylor about it! He’s a teacher in a (NURSE) school and loves his job very much.
«It’s a prejudice,» John says, «that men are not as good with little kids as women are. But unfortunately the prejudice discourages some men from working in schools. It’s only through experience that I found out how difficult but (REWARD) this job is. Kids don’t forgive lies and injustice, and they are very unforgiving of us adults. It takes a long time to earn their respect and they don’t hesitate to demonstrate their (RESPECT) if you didn’t meet their high expectations. Every day I feel as if I were taking an exam — a «good guy» (QUALIFY) exam. And I have to do my best not to fail it, I’m sure that being a teacher is a job for clever, strong and (AMBITION) men.»

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

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Do you believe that some jobs are more (SUIT) for men and some occupations are more appropriate for women? If you do, don’t tell John Taylor about it! He’s a teacher in a (NURSE) school and loves his job very much.
«It’s a prejudice,» John says, «that men are not as good with little kids as women are. But unfortunately the prejudice discourages some men from working in schools. It’s only through experience that I found out how difficult but (REWARD) this job is. Kids don’t forgive lies and injustice, and they are very unforgiving of us adults. It takes a long time to earn their respect and they don’t hesitate to demonstrate their (RESPECT) if you didn’t meet their high expectations. Every day I feel as if I were taking an exam — a «good guy» (QUALIFY) exam. And I have to do my best not to fail it, I’m sure that being a teacher is a job for clever, strong and (AMBITION) men.»

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

1). Suited

2). Nursery

3). Rewarding

4). Disrespect

5). Qualification

6). Ambitious

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