Вставить пропущенные слова такие как Write will/ ll. 1 ) We …… travel to the South America. 2) My friends and l …… go hiking to the mountains.3)Sam’…….feed wild animals.4) Mark………take photos of wild nature.5)I…….help them to wilm to put a tent.6)At home we’………decorateb our rooms with wonderful photos.7)Mark…….make his own exhibition.

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

Вставить пропущенные слова такие как Write will/ ll. 1 ) We …… travel to the South America. 2) My friends and l …… go hiking to the mountains.3)Sam’…….feed wild animals.4) Mark………take photos of wild nature.5)I…….help them to wilm to put a tent.6)At home we’………decorateb our rooms with wonderful photos.7)Mark…….make his own exhibition.

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

will travel to the South America.
 My friends and l

will go hiking to the mountains.

will feed wild animals.

will take photos of wild nature.

will help them to put a tent.
At home we

will decorate our rooms with wonderful photos.

will make his own exhibition.

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