Возьмите красную ручку и исправьте предложения, во всех есть ошибка!
1. His uncles are seaman, arent they?

2. North Pole is the most northern point of the earth.

3. There are a lot of lake in North America, arent there?

4. He will come in a few minute.

5. I eat less sandwiches now.

6. Did you ever buy a piano?

7. When have you bought the shoes?

8. Your hair look nice. When did you wash them?

9. I am going to tell him everything.I promise.

10. The concert is going to start at 4 oclock.

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

Возьмите красную ручку и исправьте предложения, во всех есть ошибка!
1. His uncles are seaman, arent they?

2. North Pole is the most northern point of the earth.

3. There are a lot of lake in North America, arent there?

4. He will come in a few minute.

5. I eat less sandwiches now.

6. Did you ever buy a piano?

7. When have you bought the shoes?

8. Your hair look nice. When did you wash them?

9. I am going to tell him everything.I promise.

10. The concert is going to start at 4 oclock.

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

1. seamen

2. the North Pole

3.are not they?


5.I am eating 

6. do

7. when did you

8. washed

9. i going to

10. the concert will start at 4 o’clock

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