перевести предложения из active voice в passive voice
1. the doctor prescribed a new medicine to the patient
2. professor petrov performs such operations
3. the nurse will sterilize surgical
4. the ward doctor will examine his patients from 2 to 4p.m.

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

перевести предложения из active voice в passive voice
1. the doctor prescribed a new medicine to the patient
2. professor petrov performs such operations
3. the nurse will sterilize surgical
4. the ward doctor will examine his patients from 2 to 4p.m.

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

1. the patient was prescribed a new medicine / a new medicine was prescribed to the patient

2. such operations are performed by professor petrov

3. surgical instruments will be strilized by the nurse

4. the patients will be examined from 2 to 4 by the ward doctor

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