Английский язык. 45 баллов1. Martin…back and forward at the moment. He is nervous about the game. a) is walking b) will walk c) has walked 2. My father …the dog in the evening every day. a) walked b) is walking c) walks 3) I …. to bed at 9 o’clock. I promise, mum! a) am going b) will go c) has gone 4) We …..fishing with my uncle last month. a) don’t go b) hasn’t gone c) didn’t go 5) – What…you…? Can we go for a walk now? — My homework. I’ll phone you in half an hour. a) are…doing b) did…do c) do…do 6) The train to Oxford…already. a) will go b) has gone c) is going 7) My sister always… mother cook meals. a) helps b) helped c) is helping 8) I……all the exercises already. a) have done b) am doing c) will do 9) My classmates …..hiking last week. a) goes b) go c) went 10) …..you come to my birthday party on Saturday? a) Have b) Will c) Do​

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

Английский язык. 45 баллов
1. Martin…back and forward at the moment. He is nervous about the game. a) is walking b) will walk c) has walked 2. My father …the dog in the evening every day. a) walked b) is walking c) walks 3) I …. to bed at 9 o’clock. I promise, mum! a) am going b) will go c) has gone 4) We …..fishing with my uncle last month. a) don’t go b) hasn’t gone c) didn’t go 5) – What…you…? Can we go for a walk now? — My homework. I’ll phone you in half an hour. a) are…doing b) did…do c) do…do 6) The train to Oxford…already. a) will go b) has gone c) is going 7) My sister always… mother cook meals. a) helps b) helped c) is helping 8) I……all the exercises already. a) have done b) am doing c) will do 9) My classmates …..hiking last week. a) goes b) go c) went 10) …..you come to my birthday party on Saturday? a) Have b) Will c) Do​

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык


1. b 2. c 3. b 4. b 5. a


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