Помогите Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form. Over the past 50 years a demand for water —————— 1 (increase). As the world population ————2 (grow), water supplies ———————— (decrease). As a result, currently many countries —————— 3 (work) how to solve this problem. One of the solutions is desalination, that is the process by which salt water ———————- 4 (convert) into drinkable fresh water. Many desalination plants all over the world ——————— 5 (build) already, though in the nearest future they —————— 6 (be able) to satisfy an increasing demand for fresh water.

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык


Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form.
Over the past 50 years a demand for water —————— 1 (increase). As the world population ————2 (grow), water supplies ———————— (decrease). As a result, currently many countries —————— 3 (work) how to solve this problem. One of the solutions is desalination, that is the process by which salt water ———————- 4 (convert) into drinkable fresh water. Many desalination plants all over the world ——————— 5 (build) already, though in the nearest future they —————— 6 (be able) to satisfy an increasing demand for fresh water.

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

1 — was increased, 2 — grows, decreases, 3 — are working, 4 — converts, 5 — have been built, 6 — will be.

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