You’ve got an e-mail from your friend.write him a letter and answer his two questions.Write 50-60 words.Из интернета ответы не брать!

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

You’ve got an e-mail from your friend.write him a letter and answer his two questions.Write 50-60 words.Из интернета ответы не брать!

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

Dear …, Thank you for your letter. Sorry for not writing, because I was very busy. How are you getting on? A like McDonald’s too and i also think, that it’s not healthy. As for your questions… Most of all i go to a cafe or restaurant to celebrate my birthday. It’s the most comfortable place for celebrating. My last birthday i spend in sushi bar «Tanuki», because all my friends and I fond of sushi. They are very popular in our generation. What about food, i like pizza, sushi and fast food, like McDonald’s. That’s all for now. Mum is calling me. Write me soon. Best wishes, …

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