WRITING Task 2 Reed all the questions aloud fast and then write your answers in full sentences Look at the pictures if you need some help 1 What s this? (teacher points to uses away) 2 Where does it live? 3. What colour is a dolphin? 4 What is a boy doing at the beach? 5. What is a girl doing at the beach? (More for a teacher of the leamer answers to the previous question change it to the following one — What is he/she doing? Point at any person in the picture​

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

WRITING Task 2 Reed all the questions aloud fast and then write your answers in full sentences Look at the pictures if you need some help 1 What s this? (teacher points to uses away) 2 Where does it live? 3. What colour is a dolphin? 4 What is a boy doing at the beach? 5. What is a girl doing at the beach? (More for a teacher of the leamer answers to the previous question change it to the following one — What is he/she doing? Point at any person in the picture​

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

Ответ:writing task two


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