Write questions to the answers below. 1.In the summer season, Miller went to the garden of Hans and brought plenty of flowers and fruit without making him any payment 2.No , the Miller never gave anything to Hans. 3.Hugh the Miller repeatedly exploited Hans 4.The Miller sent Hans to marker with a heavy sack of flour

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

Write questions to the answers below.
1.In the summer season, Miller went to the garden of Hans and brought plenty of flowers and fruit without making him any payment
2.No , the Miller never gave anything to Hans.
3.Hugh the Miller repeatedly exploited Hans
4.The Miller sent Hans to marker with a heavy sack of flour

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

1) What did Miller do in summer season?

2) Did  the Miller  ever give anything to Hans?

3) Who did Hugh the Miller exploit repeatedly?, 3) How often did Hugh the Miller exploit Hans?

4) Where did the Miller send Hans with a heavy sack of flour? , 4) What did the Miller send Hans to marker with?

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