Write in the plural. 1. I can see a box on the table. 2. He has got a glass of orange juice. 3. There’s a man in the room. 4. There’s an ox in the field. 5. I can see a mouse in the garde

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

Write in the plural.
1. I can see a box on the table.
2. He has got a glass of orange juice.
3. There’s a man in the room.
4. There’s an ox in the field.
5. I can see a mouse in the garde

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

1. I can see some boxes on the table

2. He has got some glasses of orange juice

3. There are some men in the room

4. There are some oxen in the field

5. I can see some mice in the garden

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