who, which, that, where, whom, whose, etc.Uzeyir Hajibeyli is the great playwright, composer and musician … made the world famous film “Arshin Mal Alan”.Golden Gate is the most famous bridge … was built in San Francisco.Walt Disney was the great cartoonist … produced a series of classics.A dictionary is the book … gives people the meaning and the translation of the words.Jeyhun, … plays Ismayil in the Azerbaijani fi lm “The Stepmother” is performed really an unforgettable role.Charlie Chaplin was an actor … the scenarists trusted very much.A columnist is a person … writes articles for a newspaper or a magazine.A merchant is a person … buys and sells goods.

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

who, which, that, where, whom, whose, etc.
Uzeyir Hajibeyli is the great playwright, composer and musician … made the world famous film “Arshin Mal Alan”.
Golden Gate is the most famous bridge … was built in San Francisco.
Walt Disney was the great cartoonist … produced a series of classics.
A dictionary is the book … gives people the meaning and the translation of the words.
Jeyhun, … plays Ismayil in the Azerbaijani fi lm “The Stepmother” is performed really an unforgettable role.
Charlie Chaplin was an actor … the scenarists trusted very much.
A columnist is a person … writes articles for a newspaper or a magazine.
A merchant is a person … buys and sells goods.

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