Well I finish work (1) at 6.30 a.m. Then I go home, have a bath and try to be in bed (2) by half past eight. (3) … the same time as I’m getting ready for bed, Jeffrey, my husband, and our five-year-old daughter, Elaine, are getting up. Jeffrey takes her to nursery school. I usually sleep (4) … about 3 o’clock (5) … the afternoon. I have to be at the school (6) … 3.30, to collect Elaine. We come home and I play with her, and try to get some housework done (7) …. the same time. When my husband comes home, we eat. If I’m lucky, I can relax (8) … an hour before putting Elaine to bed. Then I do some housework that didn’t get done (9) … the day. I allow plenty of time to get to the hospital’ because if fm not there (10) … time, another nurse will have to go on working (11) … I arrive. I’m often very tired (12) … the time I finish, but I don4 really mind. There’s a special atmosphere in the hospital (13) … night. And the hours suit us, (14) … the moment, anyway. I may want to work days when Elaine goes to a different school. Perhaps I’ll be ready for a change (15) … then.

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

Well I finish work (1) at 6.30 a.m. Then I go home, have a bath and try to be in bed (2) by half past eight. (3) … the same time as I’m getting ready for bed, Jeffrey, my husband, and our five-year-old daughter, Elaine, are getting up. Jeffrey takes her to nursery school. I usually sleep (4) … about 3 o’clock (5) … the afternoon. I have to be at the school (6) … 3.30, to collect Elaine. We come home and I play with her, and try to get some housework done (7) …. the same time. When my husband comes home, we eat. If I’m lucky, I can relax (8) … an hour before putting Elaine to bed. Then I do some housework that didn’t get done (9) … the day. I allow plenty of time to get to the hospital’ because if fm not there (10) … time, another nurse will have to go on working (11) … I arrive. I’m often very tired (12) … the time I finish, but I don4 really mind. There’s a special atmosphere in the hospital (13) … night. And the hours suit us, (14) … the moment, anyway. I may want to work days when Elaine goes to a different school. Perhaps I’ll be ready for a change (15) … then.

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

(3) .At… the same time as I’m getting ready for bed, Jeffrey, my husband, and our five-year-old daughter, Elaine, are getting up. Jeffrey takes her to nursery school. I usually sleep (4) until… about 3 o’clock (5) in… the afternoon. I have to be at the school (6) by/at… 3.30, to collect Elaine. We come home and I play with her, and try to get some housework done (7) at…. the same time. When my husband comes home, we eat. If I’m lucky, I can relax (8) for… an hour before putting Elaine to bed. Then I do some housework that didn’t get done (9) during… the day. I allow plenty of time to get to the hospital’ because if I’m not there (10) in… time, another nurse will have to go on working (11) until… I arrive. I’m often very tired (12) … the time I finish, but I don4 really mind. There’s a special atmosphere in the hospital (13) at… night. And the hours suit us, (14) at… the moment, anyway. I may want to work days when Elaine goes to a different school. Perhaps I’ll be ready for a change (15) by… then.

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