V. Вместо пропуска вставьте правильную форму глагола «to be»: is / are / will be / was / were / 1. There … many beautiful skyscrapers and places of interest in New York. 2. … there many students at the English class last Monday? 3. There … a lot of fresh bread at home now, just enough for today. 4. … there any vegetables and fruits in the local market today? – Yes, there …a lot. 5. There … two Math classes and a Literature class at college the day after tomorrow. VI. Выберите правильный вариант. Только один вариант является верным. 1. When the phone rang, I … dinner. a) cook, b) was cooking, c) had been cooking, d) have been cooking. 2. He works … and makes good progress. a) hard, b) hardly, c) good, d) badly. 3. He reminds me … someone I knew in the army. a) of, b) to, c) from, d) about. 4. Mary is here. Where are … ? a) other, b) others, c) the others, d) another. 5. Did you read … English books at school? a) some, b) many, c) much, d) none.

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

V. Вместо пропуска вставьте правильную форму глагола «to be»: is / are / will be / was / were /

1. There … many beautiful skyscrapers and places of interest in New York.

2. … there many students at the English class last Monday?

3. There … a lot of fresh bread at home now, just enough for today.

4. … there any vegetables and fruits in the local market today? – Yes, there …a lot.

5. There … two Math classes and a Literature class at college the day after tomorrow.

VI. Выберите правильный вариант. Только один вариант является верным.

1. When the phone rang, I … dinner.

a) cook, b) was cooking, c) had been cooking, d) have been cooking.

2. He works … and makes good progress.

a) hard, b) hardly, c) good, d) badly.

3. He reminds me … someone I knew in the army.

a) of, b) to, c) from, d) about.

4. Mary is here. Where are … ?

a) other, b) others, c) the others, d) another.

5. Did you read … English books at school?

a) some, b) many, c) much, d) none.

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

5 1)are; 2)were; 3)is или are; 4)are; 5)will be;

6 1)b; 2)a; 3)d; 4)a; 5)a

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