Underline the correct form of the verb.

1. Mary would rather buy/buying presents in the shop than buy/buying them in the airport.

2. I prefer to discuss/discussing my problems with my parents rather than speak/speaking about them with my teachers.

3. John prefers take/taking photography to paint/painting.

4. Susan would rather make/making costumes for the school theatre than play/playing a role in it.

5. Children prefer to eat/eating junk food rather than have/having home-made dishes.

6. Teachers prefer give/giving tests to have/having a party.

7. Wild animals prefer to live/living in the forests rather than be/being in the zoo.

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

Underline the correct form of the verb.

1. Mary would rather buy/buying presents in the shop than buy/buying them in the airport.

2. I prefer to discuss/discussing my problems with my parents rather than speak/speaking about them with my teachers.

3. John prefers take/taking photography to paint/painting.

4. Susan would rather make/making costumes for the school theatre than play/playing a role in it.

5. Children prefer to eat/eating junk food rather than have/having home-made dishes.

6. Teachers prefer give/giving tests to have/having a party.

7. Wild animals prefer to live/living in the forests rather than be/being in the zoo.

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

1. Mary would rather buy presents in the shop than buy/buying them in the airport.

2. I prefer to discuss my problems with my parents rather than speak about them with my teachers.

3. John prefers take/taking photography to paint/painting.

4. Susan would rather make/making costumes for the school theatre than play/playing a role in it.

5. Children prefer to eat junk food rather than have home-made dishes.

6. Teachers prefer giving tests to having a party.

7. Wild animals prefer to live in the forests rather than be in the zoo.

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