True, false or no information in the text. Correct the false sentences 1.Mr Rabbit’s carrots always won the first prize 2.Mr Rabbit’s was happy when he saw his vegetable garden 3.Snowy gave a surprise to her sisters and brothers. So did the other bunnies 4.The greattest surprise was when Mrs Rabbit gave her bunnies carrot juice 5.The bunnies didn’t like their birthday party because their father took them to his vegetable garden to plant carrots.

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

True, false or no information in the text. Correct the false sentences

1.Mr Rabbit’s carrots always won the first prize
2.Mr Rabbit’s was happy when he saw his vegetable garden

3.Snowy gave a surprise to her sisters and brothers. So did the other bunnies
4.The greattest surprise was when Mrs Rabbit gave her bunnies carrot juice

5.The bunnies didn’t like their birthday party because their father took them to his vegetable garden to plant carrots.

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