The sun (1) ___ when I (2) __ up that morning. So I (3) __ to go for a walk in the country. I (4) __ in the country for years. I (5) __ for about two miles when I (6) __ that the sun (7) __ by dark clouds. Suddenly the lightning (8) __ the tree. I (9) but __ I (10) __ to run. When I (11) __ I (12) __ that I never (13) __ a walk in the country again. 1. A) shone b) shined c) was shining d) has been shining 2. A) got b) was getting c) had got d) has hot3. A) was deciding b) decided c) had decided d) has decided4. A) wasn’t b) haven’t been c) hadn’t been d) have been5. A) was walking b) had walked c) had been walking d) was walked6. A) had noticed b) noticed c) was noticing d) had been noticing 7. A) was covered b) covered c) has been covered d) are covered 8. A) striked b) struck c) was struck d) had struck9. A) was not hurt b) am not hurt c) have not been hurt d) had been hurt10. A) begin b) began c) was beginning d) had begun11. A) was running b) run c) had been running d) ran12. A) was thinking b) think c) had been thinking d) thought 13. A) will b) shall c) would d) should ​

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

The sun (1) ___ when I (2) __ up that morning. So I (3) __ to go for a walk in the country. I (4) __ in the country for years. I (5) __ for about two miles when I (6) __ that the sun (7) __ by dark clouds. Suddenly the lightning (8) __ the tree. I (9) but __ I (10) __ to run. When I (11) __ I (12) __ that I never (13) __ a walk in the country again.
1. A) shone b) shined c) was shining d) has been shining
2. A) got b) was getting c) had got d) has hot
3. A) was deciding b) decided c) had decided d) has decided
4. A) wasn’t b) haven’t been c) hadn’t been d) have been
5. A) was walking b) had walked c) had been walking d) was walked
6. A) had noticed b) noticed c) was noticing d) had been noticing
7. A) was covered b) covered c) has been covered d) are covered
8. A) striked b) struck c) was struck d) had struck
9. A) was not hurt b) am not hurt c) have not been hurt d) had been hurt
10. A) begin b) began c) was beginning d) had begun
11. A) was running b) run c) had been running d) ran
12. A) was thinking b) think c) had been thinking d) thought
13. A) will b) shall c) would d) should ​

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык


1 b

2 a

3 b











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