Task 2. Listen to an advertisement for a new medicine and fill in the missing information. Product: e.g. Flower Power! Description: Herbal remedy, made from the leaves of sunflowers. Used to treat headaches, ……… and fevers. Available: Fresh or dried, in ………, tablet and liquid form. You can buy it in……… shops or online. Warning: Consult your ……… before taking this herb if you are on other medication. Children under……… years of age should not use it.

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

Task 2. Listen to an advertisement for a new medicine and fill in the missing information.
Product: e.g. Flower Power!
Description: Herbal remedy, made from the leaves of sunflowers.
Used to treat headaches, ……… and fevers.
Available: Fresh or dried, in ………, tablet and liquid form.
You can buy it in……… shops or online.
Warning: Consult your ……… before taking this herb if you are on other
medication. Children under……… years of age should not use it.

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык


Task 1






Task 2

1)Do morning exercises

2)Eat healthy food

3)jog in the morning

4)Go to bed early

Task 3

If you do morning exercises,it is good for health,because it makes your bones and body better and stronger.For example,if you need to eat healthy food

because it contains useful substances. Useful food:fruiys and vegatables.Thes

|THis information will be useful to strengthen your body


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