Should employees get paid extra money to do these things? Why? / Why not?

-work weekends

— take documents home to read in the evening

— stay late to finish a proiect

— make phone ca[[s to ctients on the lourney to or from work

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

Should employees get paid extra money to do these things? Why? / Why not?

-work weekends

— take documents home to read in the evening

— stay late to finish a proiect

— make phone ca[[s to ctients on the lourney to or from work

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

— Work weekends.

Yes. To motivate your employees, you should pay them extra money. If you hadn’t paid them for work weekends, they would have felt upset and quality of their work will decrease.

— Take documents home to read in the evening

No, you shouldn’t, becouse they might have lose or spoil them.

— stay late to finish a project

Yes. If employer spend extra time for his work, he should get extra money for that.

— make phone calls…

— No. During the journey can happen anything.

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