Review: Steps 1-5
Choose the right plural form.
11. There are a lot of ____ in the forests of Kazakhstan.
a) flower. b) cactus trees.
12. Zebras eat a lot of ____.
a) leaves. b) a leaf .
13. I have seen a lot of ___ in the zoo of the U.K.
a) elephants. B) plants.
14. Tigers have sharp ___.
A) teen. B)a tooth.
15. There are a lot of ___ in the yard.
A) children. B) a child

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

Review: Steps 1-5
Choose the right plural form.
11. There are a lot of ____ in the forests of Kazakhstan.
a) flower. b) cactus trees.
12. Zebras eat a lot of ____.
a) leaves. b) a leaf .
13. I have seen a lot of ___ in the zoo of the U.K.
a) elephants. B) plants.
14. Tigers have sharp ___.
A) teen. B)a tooth.
15. There are a lot of ___ in the yard.
A) children. B) a child

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

11. b) cactus trees.
12. a) leaves. 
13. a) elephants. 
14. A) teeth.
15. A) children. 

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