Put the Verbs into Correct Form: 1. While I …. (cook) dinner I cut myself the finger.2. We rushed to the station, but it was too late. The train just …. (go).3. He (change) …. his mind by that time. 4. Mary (wait) …. for me when I arrived home. 5. The text is very difficult, the students (translate) …. since morning. 6. I (know) …. her for many years. 7. She didn’t want to go to the cinema because she (see) …. the film before. 8. Bob (start) …. his job two years ago.9. He broke his leg when he (ski) …. in the mountains.10. I can’t find my umbrella. I think I (lose) …. it .11. Sally (answer) …. the telephone calls yesterday.​

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

Put the Verbs into Correct Form:
1. While I …. (cook) dinner I cut myself the finger.
2. We rushed to the station, but it was too late. The train just …. (go).
3. He (change) …. his mind by that time.
4. Mary (wait) …. for me when I arrived home.
5. The text is very difficult, the students (translate) …. since morning.
6. I (know) …. her for many years.
7. She didn’t want to go to the cinema because she (see) …. the film before.
8. Bob (start) …. his job two years ago.
9. He broke his leg when he (ski) …. in the mountains.
10. I can’t find my umbrella. I think I (lose) …. it .
11. Sally (answer) …. the telephone calls yesterday.​

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

Ответ: 1 — am cooking

2- has gone

3- changed


5-have translated


7- was saw

8- started

9- was ski

10- have lost


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