Put the verbs in brackets into thecorrect tense.A: I wish people would stop (stop) chattingduring the film.B: I know. It’s bothering me too.2 A: I wish I…… (visit) New York.B: Maybe you will one day.3 A: If only 1….. (perform) betterin the dance rehearsal.B: What do you mean? You were excellent!4 A: I wish I ……………. (not/arrive) lateat the office this morning.B: Don’t worry. I don’t think anyone noticed.6. A: If only I …………………….. (have) more timeto read novels.B: I know what you mean.6 A: I wish(be) a moretalented dancer.B: Don’t worry! You have many other talents!​

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

Put the verbs in brackets into the
correct tense.
A: I wish people would stop (stop) chatting
during the film.
B: I know. It’s bothering me too.
2 A: I wish I.
….. (visit) New York.
B: Maybe you will one day.
3 A: If only 1
….. (perform) better
in the dance rehearsal.
B: What do you mean? You were excellent!
4 A: I wish I ……….
…… (not/arrive) late
at the office this morning.
B: Don’t worry. I don’t think anyone noticed.
6. A: If only I …………………….. (have) more time
to read novels.
B: I know what you mean.
6 A: I wish
(be) a more
talented dancer.
B: Don’t worry! You have many other talents!​

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

1. Stopped

2. Lived

3. Performed

4. Hadn’t arrived

6. Had

6. Were

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