Put the verbs in brackets into the Infinitive or the –ing form. 1. A: Maria, what do you like………. (do) in your free time? B: I love………. (listen) to music. 2. A: Do you have any plans for the summer? B: Yes, we’ve decided………. (go) to Madrid for our holidays. 3. A: Mum, please don’t make me………. (take) the medicine. B: I know it tastes awful, Jake, but it will help you………. (get) better. 4. A: What’s wrong with Mark? B: I’m not sure. He left without………. (say) a word. 5. A: I can’t decide what………. (wear) to the party. B: Why don’t you put on your red dress? It looks great on you. 6. A: Where’s Daniela? B: She went………. (visit) her friend Lucy. 7. A: It’s getting late. I really must………. (go). B: All right. See you tomorrow. 8. A: I don’t know how………. (send) a text message. B: I can………. (show) you. 9. A: Is Miss Jones in the class? B: Yes, I just heard her………. (talk) to someone. 10. A: Do you have any plans for the weekend? B: Alex suggested………. (go) camping.

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

Put the verbs in brackets into the Infinitive or the –ing form. 1. A: Maria, what do you like………. (do) in your free time? B: I love………. (listen) to music. 2. A: Do you have any plans for the summer? B: Yes, we’ve decided………. (go) to Madrid for our holidays. 3. A: Mum, please don’t make me………. (take) the medicine. B: I know it tastes awful, Jake, but it will help you………. (get) better. 4. A: What’s wrong with Mark? B: I’m not sure. He left without………. (say) a word. 5. A: I can’t decide what………. (wear) to the party. B: Why don’t you put on your red dress? It looks great on you. 6. A: Where’s Daniela? B: She went………. (visit) her friend Lucy. 7. A: It’s getting late. I really must………. (go). B: All right. See you tomorrow. 8. A: I don’t know how………. (send) a text message. B: I can………. (show) you. 9. A: Is Miss Jones in the class? B: Yes, I just heard her………. (talk) to someone. 10. A: Do you have any plans for the weekend? B: Alex suggested………. (go) camping.

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

1 to do

2 to go

3 take, get

4 saying

5 to wear

6 visiting

7 go

8 to send

9 talk

10 going

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