Put the verbs in brackets in the past simple or the present perfect. 1 They … (leave) for Russia last night. 2 We … (already/book) the tickets. 3 … (you/ever/be) abroad? 4 He’s tired. He … (just/finish) work. 5 Maria … (travel) abroad last year. 6 Boris … (not/arrive) yet. 7 We … (move) to Rome last year. 8 Nestor … (go) bungee jumping last summer. 9 Vera … (cycle) across country many times. 10 Peter … (ride) a camel last year. Помогите пожалуйста!!!

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

Put the verbs in brackets in the past simple or the present perfect.
1 They … (leave) for Russia last night.
2 We … (already/book) the tickets.
3 … (you/ever/be) abroad?
4 He’s tired. He … (just/finish) work.
5 Maria … (travel) abroad last year.
6 Boris … (not/arrive) yet.
7 We … (move) to Rome last year.
8 Nestor … (go) bungee jumping last summer.
9 Vera … (cycle) across country many times.
10 Peter … (ride) a camel last year.
Помогите пожалуйста!!!

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