Open the brackets in Passive Voice. Translate the texts. A good or a bad invention? Our lives …. (make) better every day thanks to inventions. But sometimes, inventions can make our lives worse. This can happen when an invention …. (not use) according to the inventor’s plan. For example, Alfred Nobel, a Swedish scientist, invented a strong explosive in 1867. It … (call) dynamite and it revolutionized the world of engineering. After its invention, many bridges, tunnels and other structures ….. (build) with the help of dynamite. However, dynamite …. (also, use) to kill people in wars. This upset Nobel. Before his death, Nobel decided to use the money from his famous invention to make the world a better place. A special fund … (start) in Nobel’s name. Every year, Nobel prizes … (give) for extraordinary work in science, medicine, literature and the promotion of world peace.

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

Open the brackets in Passive Voice. Translate the texts.
A good or a bad invention?
Our lives …. (make) better every day thanks to inventions. But sometimes, inventions can make our lives worse. This can happen when an invention …. (not use) according to the inventor’s plan. For example, Alfred Nobel, a Swedish scientist, invented a strong explosive in 1867. It … (call) dynamite and it revolutionized the world of engineering. After its invention, many bridges, tunnels and other structures ….. (build) with the help of dynamite. However, dynamite …. (also, use) to kill people in wars. This upset Nobel. Before his death, Nobel decided to use the money from his famous invention to make the world a better place. A special fund … (start) in Nobel’s name. Every year, Nobel prizes … (give) for extraordinary work in science, medicine, literature and the promotion of world peace.

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