Name____________________________________________________________________ Диагностическая работа по английскому языку для 4 класса Лексика 1. Впиши пропущенные слова. pupil, , speak, friends, read, games, lessons My name is Vic. I live in Paris. I am a ____________. I have four or five ________ every day. I like to_______________. I can _________English well. I have many_______ at school. We play ____________in the playroom. I have a good time at school. 2. Подбери по три прилагательных к каждому существительному. comfortable, computer, dirty, windy, strong, beautiful, new, rainy ,sunny, funny, old 1. ___________ ______________ ______________ season 2. ___________ _______________ ______________ boy 3. ____________ _______________ ______________ room Чтение 1. Прочитай рассказ и выполни задания: I have a friend. He is Pedro. He is thirteen. He is from Spain. He likes riding a bike in summer and playing hockey in winter. He is strong. His fаvourite animals are horses and hares. He can play ping-pong very well. He is going to be a pilot. 1. I have … a) a friend b) a cat c) a sister 2.His name is … b) Pedro b) Ann c) Mike 3. He likes … in winter . a) skating b) playing hockey c) skiing 4.His favourite animals are … b) dogs and cats b) hares and horses c) dogs and hares 5. He is going to be … a) pilot b) a singer c) a teacher Грамматика 1. Составь вопросительные предложения. 1. you how are? ______________________________________________________________ 2. she dance will tomorrow? _________________________________________________________ 3. is from he where? _____________________________________________________ 4. in summer you do swim? __________________________________________________________ 5. happy are why they ? __________________________________________________________ 2. Прочитай предложения и вставь is или are. 1. There _____ a bench in in the park. 2. There _____ beautiful flowers in the garden. 3. _____ there a zoo in the town? 4. There _____ a cow and a horse on the picture. 5. _____ there many toys in the shop? 3. Выбери и обведи нужное слово в скобках 1. (Was / Were) you in Moscow last year? 2. This bear is (the strongest stronger) than that bear. 3. Mary (go / goes) to her granny every weak. 4. Where (do/does) Sam listen to music? 5. I (was/were) in the park yesterday.

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык


Диагностическая работа по английскому языку для 4 класса


1. Впиши пропущенные слова.

pupil, , speak, friends, read, games, lessons

My name is Vic. I live in Paris. I am a ____________. I have four or five ________ every day. I like to_______________. I can _________English well. I have many_______ at school. We play ____________in the playroom. I have a good time at school.

2. Подбери по три прилагательных к каждому существительному.

comfortable, computer, dirty, windy, strong, beautiful, new, rainy ,sunny, funny, old

1. ___________ ______________ ______________ season

2. ___________ _______________ ______________ boy

3. ____________ _______________ ______________ room


1. Прочитай рассказ и выполни задания:

I have a friend. He is Pedro. He is thirteen. He is from Spain. He likes riding a bike in summer and playing hockey in winter. He is strong. His fаvourite animals are horses and hares. He can play ping-pong very well. He is going to be a pilot.

1. I have …

a) a friend b) a cat c) a sister

2.His name is …

b) Pedro b) Ann c) Mike

3. He likes … in winter .

a) skating b) playing hockey c) skiing

4.His favourite animals are …

b) dogs and cats b) hares and horses c) dogs and hares

5. He is going to be …

a) pilot b) a singer c) a teacher


1. Составь вопросительные предложения.

1. you how are?


2. she dance will tomorrow?


3. is from he where?


4. in summer you do swim?


5. happy are why they ?


2. Прочитай предложения и вставь is или are.

1. There _____ a bench in in the park.

2. There _____ beautiful flowers in the garden.

3. _____ there a zoo in the town?

4. There _____ a cow and a horse on the picture.

5. _____ there many toys in the shop?

3. Выбери и обведи нужное слово в скобках

1. (Was / Were) you in Moscow last year?

2. This bear is (the strongest stronger) than that bear.

3. Mary (go / goes) to her granny every weak.

4. Where (do/does) Sam listen to music?

5. I (was/were) in the park yesterday.

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык




1. pupil

2. lessons

3. read

4. speak

5. friends

6. games


windy, rainy, sunny season.

beautiful, funny, strong boy.

dirty, new, old room.



1.a 2.a 3.b 4.b 5.a



1. how are you?

2. will she dance tomorrow?

3. where is he from?

4. do you swim in summer?

5. why are they happy?


1. is

2. are

3. is

4. is

6. are


1. were

2. stronger

3. goes

4. does

5. was

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