match the words into word combinations.
Lose. pollution
Global. biodiversity
Become. species
Recycle. disasters
Establish. extinct
Reduce. nature reserves
Control. hunt
Endangered. a sheep
Clone. rubbish
Natural. warming
Use. science and technology

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

match the words into word combinations.
Lose. pollution
Global. biodiversity
Become. species
Recycle. disasters
Establish. extinct
Reduce. nature reserves
Control. hunt
Endangered. a sheep
Clone. rubbish
Natural. warming
Use. science and technology

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

lose biodiversity. 

global warming.

become extinct.

recycle rubbish.

establish nature reserves. 

reduce pollution.

control hunt.

endangered species.

clone a sheep.

natural disasters.

use science and technology. 

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