Match the phrases in the right column with the replies in the left column.

a. No, I haven’t. 1. I’d like a kilo of tomatoes, please. b. I’d love to, but I don’t need anything. 2. How can I help you? c. I’m afraid, that’s just not possible. 3. Why don’t you come to the mall (I. Here you are. That’s £6.50. with me? e. Here is some aspirin for you. 4. How much is this scarf? f. Do you have batteries for this camera? 5. I’d like my money back, please. g. Yes, we do. 6. Have you got the receipt, sir? h. Let me check for you. Yes, I’ve got one 7. Can you give me something for here. a headache? i. Yes, here they are, on this upper shelf. 8. Have you got it in a smaller size? 1′. It’s £19.99. It’s a little expensive. 9. Do you accept credit cards?

10.Do you sell dictionaries?

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

Match the phrases in the right column with the replies in the left column.

a. No, I haven’t. 1. I’d like a kilo of tomatoes, please. b. I’d love to, but I don’t need anything. 2. How can I help you? c. I’m afraid, that’s just not possible. 3. Why don’t you come to the mall (I. Here you are. That’s £6.50. with me? e. Here is some aspirin for you. 4. How much is this scarf? f. Do you have batteries for this camera? 5. I’d like my money back, please. g. Yes, we do. 6. Have you got the receipt, sir? h. Let me check for you. Yes, I’ve got one 7. Can you give me something for here. a headache? i. Yes, here they are, on this upper shelf. 8. Have you got it in a smaller size? 1′. It’s £19.99. It’s a little expensive. 9. Do you accept credit cards?

10.Do you sell dictionaries?

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

Here you are. That’s £6.50
2. Do you haven’t batteries for this camera? 
3. I’d love to, but i don’t need anything 
4. It’s 19.99. It’s a little expensive
5. I’m afraid, that’s Just not possible
6. No, i haven’t
7. Here is some aspirin for you 
8. Let me check for you. Yes, I’ve got one here. 
9. Yes, we do
Yes, here they are, on this upper shelf

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