Make the following sentences negative. Correctthem.
1.The capital of Great Britain, London, is situated on the
Severn River.
2.A bill must be supported only by the House of Lords.
3.St. Paul’s Cathedral was built by Indigo Jones.
4.The Houses of Parliament were built in the XX century.
5.The world-famous Festival of Music and Drama will be
held in Glasgow next year.
6.Stratford-upon-Avon has always been associated with the
name of Byron.
7.Plays by Shakespeare are played only in Britain.

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

Make the following sentences negative. Correctthem.
1.The capital of Great Britain, London, is situated on the
Severn River.
2.A bill must be supported only by the House of Lords.
3.St. Paul’s Cathedral was built by Indigo Jones.
4.The Houses of Parliament were built in the XX century.
5.The world-famous Festival of Music and Drama will be
held in Glasgow next year.
6.Stratford-upon-Avon has always been associated with the
name of Byron.
7.Plays by Shakespeare are played only in Britain.

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

1 the great Britain, london, isn’t situated on the seven river

2 a bill mustn’t be supported. …

3 St. Paul Cathedral wasn’t built. ..

4 the houses of Parliament weren’t bult…

5 the world famous Festival of Music amd Drama won’t be held…

6 Strafford upon avon hasn’t always been associated. ..

7 plays by shakspeare aren’t played…

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