Make adverbs from the adjectives and complete the sentences Direkt,Quick,Cruel,Angry,Correct,Lucky,Kind,Deep,Different 1 She…drove me to the station. 2 Somebody has taken my book She shouted… 3 Have i splelt your name… 4 I was late, but… they waited for me. 5 He was… treated when he was a child. 6 He is sleeping very… 7 Come as… as you can. 8 He is vere quiet at home but he behaves… at school. 9 The post ofiice is… opposite the bank.

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

Make adverbs from the adjectives and complete the sentences
1 She…drove me to the station.
2 Somebody has taken my book She shouted…
3 Have i splelt your name…
4 I was late, but… they waited for me.
5 He was… treated when he was a child.
6 He is sleeping very…
7 Come as… as you can.
8 He is vere quiet at home but he behaves… at school.
9 The post ofiice is… opposite the bank.

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык







7 quickly

8 differently


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