Make a report about healthcare in Kazakhstan (no more 30 word) помогите срочно надо эссе

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

Make a report about healthcare in Kazakhstan (no more 30 word)

помогите срочно надо эссе

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык


Reducing the burden on the state budget.  Balancing the risks, responsibilities and rights between the  public and private sectors, whilst retaining the leverage of the  state . Involving private partners with a record of successful implementation of similar projects. Reducing the rates of unnecessary hospitalization . Transition from single-profile specialized hospitals to  multi-profile hospitals (target proportion of single-profile hospitals  — 10% by 2025) . Increasing the responsibility of healthcare managers for  resource management and modernization of  infrastructure b .Expanding access to high-technology medical care  (along with reducing the average length of hospital stay)  Increasing the economic efficiency and quality of the  healthcare system

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