Listening. You will hear two people talking about a play. Listen and complete the missing information. Seattle Children Theatre presents «The 1)… friendly giant» by Roald Dahl, directed by Rita Giomi From: October 19 to 2)… 16 Shows: Monday to 3)… 7:30 pm, Friday to Sunday 4)… pm Tickets: Adults 5)… $; Children 27$ Seattle Children theatre, 201 6)… Street, Seatle WA 98109

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

Listening. You will hear two people talking about a play. Listen and complete the missing information.

Seattle Children Theatre presents «The 1)… friendly giant» by Roald Dahl, directed by Rita Giomi

From: October 19 to 2)… 16

Shows: Monday to 3)… 7:30 pm, Friday to Sunday 4)… pm

Tickets: Adults 5)… $; Children 27$

Seattle Children theatre, 201 6)… Street, Seatle WA 98109

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

евнвнагага шр7о9лщздхїїїїлнцв

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