IV. Read the text and match the phrases (A to F) to the gaps (1 to 5). There is one extra phrase.
Taking a Break in the Wild
Last summer, my friend Katie and I decided to go on a summer holiday together. We really needed to take time away from work and our busy city schedules 1) __. We both wished to something exciting and challenging, but at the same time, we wanted our excursion to be a truly educational experience. Luckily, a colleague at work had told Katie about a holiday package which combined training in wildlife survival skills along with nature exploration. The idea seemed appealing, 2) __. On the first day of the programme, we met our instructor, who told us to bear in mind that this was a First-time experience for all the members in the group 3) __ which was quite a relief to hear. At the start of the programme, we developed a deep understanding of plants and animals in the wild. After that, we 4) __ as well as recognise their particular eating habits and native habitats. We also learned how to gather wild plants and prepare them for food or medicine. During our last week, we mastered the art of building shelters out of trees and bushes, learned how to locate clean water 5) __. We actually accomplished things we could never have imagined doing, and most importantly, we discovered what a wide range of beautiful things nature has to offer us. A and build fires just by rubbing two sticks together В and that everyone could learn at their own pace C but we weren’t very keen on the idea at first D and do something different for a change E went on to learn how to identify different species of animals F so we set off the following week for our exciting adventure

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

IV. Read the text and match the phrases (A to F) to the gaps (1 to 5). There is one extra phrase.
Taking a Break in the Wild
Last summer, my friend Katie and I decided to go on a summer holiday together. We really needed to take time away from work and our busy city schedules 1) __. We both wished to something exciting and challenging, but at the same time, we wanted our excursion to be a truly educational experience. Luckily, a colleague at work had told Katie about a holiday package which combined training in wildlife survival skills along with nature exploration. The idea seemed appealing, 2) __. On the first day of the programme, we met our instructor, who told us to bear in mind that this was a First-time experience for all the members in the group 3) __ which was quite a relief to hear. At the start of the programme, we developed a deep understanding of plants and animals in the wild. After that, we 4) __ as well as recognise their particular eating habits and native habitats. We also learned how to gather wild plants and prepare them for food or medicine. During our last week, we mastered the art of building shelters out of trees and bushes, learned how to locate clean water 5) __. We actually accomplished things we could never have imagined doing, and most importantly, we discovered what a wide range of beautiful things nature has to offer us. A and build fires just by rubbing two sticks together В and that everyone could learn at their own pace C but we weren’t very keen on the idea at first D and do something different for a change E went on to learn how to identify different species of animals F so we set off the following week for our exciting adventure

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

1. F

2. C

3. B

4. E

5. A

Прошлым летом моя подруга Кэти и я решили ехать на летний отпуск вместе. Нам действительно надо было отгородиться от работы и нашего занятого городского расписания.(1)Потому следующую неделю мы отвели для восхитительного приключения.Оба мы мечтали о чём-то вдохновляющем и стимулирующем,но и в то же время нам хотелось,чтобы наша экскурсия была действительно полна некоего образовательного опыта. К счастью,коллега на работе рассказал Кэти о комплексном турне,сочетающем в себе прокачивание навыков выживания в дикой природе и исследования её же. Идея была привлекательна,(2) но поначалу мы так уж ей увлечены не были. В первый день программы мы повстречались со своим инструктором,который сказал,что стоит принять во внимание,что это первый опыт для всех участников группы (3) и что каждый может учиться в своём темпе,что было очень даже приятно услышать. В начале программы мы учились распознавать растения и животных в дикой природе. После этого мы (4) продолжили учиться тому,как различить разные виды животных,а также их предпочтения в пище и природные среды. Мы учились и собирать дикие растения и готовить из них еду или лекарства. На последней неделе мы совершенствовали своё мастерство строительства жилищ из деревьев и кустов,учились находить чистую воду (5) и разжигать костёр с помощью двух палочек. Мы делали то,о чём никогда не могли даже подумать,мы узнали,как много всего природа готова нам предложить. 

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