… is one with a lot of action. The film which has fights and car crashes. A film with a lot of funny situations, which make you laugh, is a … . A … is a very scary movie. In a … there is always a touching story of two people with a happy end. A … is a film which is especially popular with children.

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

… is one with a lot of action. The film which has fights and
car crashes.

A film with a lot of funny situations, which make you laugh,
is a … .

A … is a very scary movie.

In a … there is always a touching story of two people with
a happy end.

A … is a film which is especially popular with children.

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык




3 horror

4 melodrama

5 cartoon

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