IMake up the sentences. 1)should/ this/ church/ visit/ You/beautiful. 2)our/ hospital/ opened/ town/ A/ was/new/ Wednesday/ in/last. 3)an/ already/ have/ We/ this/ watching/ for/ been/ play/ hour/ half/. 4)moment/ They/ the/at/ training/ the/are/ stadium/ at. 5) heard/ tour/ I/ about/ never/ this/ have/ before.

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

IMake up the sentences.
1)should/ this/ church/ visit/ You/beautiful.
2)our/ hospital/ opened/ town/ A/ was/new/ Wednesday/ in/last.
3)an/ already/ have/ We/ this/ watching/ for/ been/ play/ hour/ half/.
4)moment/ They/ the/at/ training/ the/are/ stadium/ at.
5) heard/ tour/ I/ about/ never/ this/ have/ before.

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

You should visit this beautiful church.

A new hospital was opened in our town last Wednesday.

We have already been watching this play for half an hour.

They are at the stadium training at the moment./At the moment they are training at the stadium.

I have never heard about this tour before.

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