III. Complete the sentences using Past Simple. (Дополните предложения глаголами в Past Simple) 1. What … (you/read) last week? 2. We … (have) a nice party yesterday. 3. … your mother (buy) you a doll? 4. I … (send) a letter to my friend. 5. We … (play) golf last weekend. 6. When … (he/write) his test? 7. She … (go) to Moscow last week. IV. Complete the sentences using must / mustn’t. (Дополните предложения глаголами must / mustn’t) 1. You … sleep all night. 2. We … clean up after our dogs. 3. I … quarrel with my friends. 4. You … smoke in the airplane. 5. She … do her homework. Ребят,помогите пожааалуйста)25 баллов даю

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

III. Complete the sentences using Past Simple. (Дополните предложения глаголами в Past Simple)

1. What … (you/read) last week?

2. We … (have) a nice party yesterday.

3. … your mother (buy) you a doll?

4. I … (send) a letter to my friend.

5. We … (play) golf last weekend.

6. When … (he/write) his test?

7. She … (go) to Moscow last week.

IV. Complete the sentences using must / mustn’t. (Дополните предложения глаголами must / mustn’t)

1. You … sleep all night.

2. We … clean up after our dogs.

3. I … quarrel with my friends.

4. You … smoke in the airplane.

5. She … do her homework.

Ребят,помогите пожааалуйста)
25 баллов даю

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык



  1. What did you read last week?
  2. We had a nice part yesterday.
  3. Did your mother buy you a doll?
  4. I sent a letter to my friend.
  5. We played golf last weekend.
  6. When did he write his test?
  7. She went to Moscow last week.


  1. You must sleep all night.
  2. We must clean up after our dogs.
  3. I mustn’t quarrel with my friends.
  4. You mustn’t smoke in the airplane.
  5. She must do her homework.

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