II. Open the brackets. Use tha right tense. 5. Where …………… your brother ( to work ) ……………? He ( to work ) …………… at an institute. 6. When …………… the boss ( to come ) …………… tomorrow? 7. He ( to like ) …………… music very much.

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

II. Open the brackets. Use tha right tense.
5. Where …………… your brother ( to work ) ……………? He ( to work ) …………… at an institute.
6. When …………… the boss ( to come ) …………… tomorrow?
7. He ( to like ) …………… music very much.

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык


5 Where does your brother work? He works at an institute.

6 When did the boss come tomorrow?

7 He like music very much


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