If l won ( win) the lottery, l (1) …( have) a lot of money. If( 2) … (have) a lot of money, l (3) … (give) it to charity. But if l(4) … (give) All my money to charity, l (5) … (be) poor. And if l (6) … (be) poor, I (7) … ( not buy) a lottery ticket. And if l (8) … ( not buy) a ticket, l (9) … ( not win) the lottery! Oh dear, what shall I do?

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

If l won ( win) the lottery, l (1) …( have) a lot of money. If( 2) … (have) a lot of money, l (3) … (give) it to charity. But if l(4) … (give) All my money to charity, l (5) … (be) poor. And if l (6) … (be) poor, I (7) … ( not buy) a lottery ticket. And if l (8) … ( not buy) a ticket, l (9) … ( not win) the lottery! Oh dear, what shall I do?

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

if i win the lottery, i will have a lot of money. if i have a lot of money, i will give it to charity. but if i give all my money to charity, i will be poor. and if i be poor, i will nit buy a lottery ticket. and if i don’t buy a ticket, i will not win the lottery!

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