I think the second film is better (good) than the first one. The ______ (funny) part was when he fell in the swimming pool. I think that having a good story is ______ (important) than having famous actors. These are the ______ (uncomfortable) seats I’ve ever sat on! Going to the cinema is ______ (exciting) than watching a film at home. That’s the ______ (bad) film I’ve ever seen — itbwas awful!

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

I think the second film is better (good) than the first one.
The ______ (funny) part was when he fell in the swimming pool.
I think that having a good story is ______ (important) than having famous actors.
These are the ______ (uncomfortable) seats I’ve ever sat on!
Going to the cinema is ______ (exciting) than watching a film at home.
That’s the ______ (bad) film I’ve ever seen — itbwas awful!

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык


important=more important

uncomfortable=most uncomfortable

exciting=more exciting


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