I. Open the brackets in the Present or Past Passive: 1) Pigs ____ (use) to find truffles. 2) This old theatre _______(reconstruct) by the council last year. 3) When _____ the first laptop computer (invent)? 4) ____ English (speak) by all the local people in Hawaii? II. Read the text and underline the correct alternatives. The Eaton Hotel (1) located/is located in the very centre of London, near Victoria Station. It (2) built/ was built in 1980, just before I (3) visited/was visited England for the second time. At first, the hotel had only five single rooms but later, in 1983, it (4) changed/was changed by its owners into a bigger bed and breakfast place. It is now a very modern and comfortable hotel. Breakfast (5) serves/is served between 7 and 9 o’clock and the food is always very tasty. The rooms (6) clean/are cleaned every day. Apart from the excellent food and comfortable rooms, early in the morning or late at night visitors (7) are met/were met at the airport by one of the hotel. Помогитеее пожалуста

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

I. Open the brackets in the Present or Past Passive: 1) Pigs ____ (use) to find truffles. 2) This old theatre _______(reconstruct) by the council last year. 3) When _____ the first laptop computer (invent)? 4) ____ English (speak) by all the local people in Hawaii? II. Read the text and underline the correct alternatives. The Eaton Hotel (1) located/is located in the very centre of London, near Victoria Station. It (2) built/ was built in 1980, just before I (3) visited/was visited England for the second time. At first, the hotel had only five single rooms but later, in 1983, it (4) changed/was changed by its owners into a bigger bed and breakfast place. It is now a very modern and comfortable hotel. Breakfast (5) serves/is served between 7 and 9 o’clock and the food is always very tasty. The rooms (6) clean/are cleaned every day. Apart from the excellent food and comfortable rooms, early in the morning or late at night visitors (7) are met/were met at the airport by one of the hotel. Помогитеее пожалуста

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

1) are used

2) was reconstructed

3) was invented

4) is spoken

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