I. Choose the correct option in each sentence. 1. I must more to keep fit. (exercise, to exercise, exercising, exercised) 2. I remember Sue last Sunday. (visit, to visit, visiting, visited) 3. The salesman seemed impatient. (get, to get, getting, got) 4. I really miss lived) 5. She was in the countryside. (live, to live, living, by the exhibition.(fascinate, to fascinate, fascinating, fascinated) 6. If you don’t stop dieting , dieted) II. Complete the questions you’ll kill yourself. (diet, to diet​

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

I. Choose the correct option in each sentence. 1. I must more to keep fit. (exercise, to exercise, exercising, exercised) 2. I remember Sue last Sunday. (visit, to visit, visiting, visited) 3. The salesman seemed impatient. (get, to get, getting, got) 4. I really miss lived) 5. She was in the countryside. (live, to live, living, by the exhibition.(fascinate, to fascinate, fascinating, fascinated) 6. If you don’t stop dieting , dieted) II. Complete the questions you’ll kill yourself. (diet, to diet

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык


1. exercise

2. visiting

3. to get

4. fascinated

5. living

6. dieting


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