I. Поставьте глаголы в present perfect continuous , переведите 1.People …………… (pollute) the atmosphere for 100 years. 2.Toxic fumes ………… (poison) our planet. 3.Air pollution ………….(destroy) the sculpture for 50 years. 4.The tap …………(leak) since morning. 5.People ………….(think )over green cities issues since they moved. 6.The family…………….. (use )solar power panel to heat the house in winter. 7.My parents …………..(donate) money to WWF for a long time. 8.The eco helpers …………..(plant) the trees all the morning. 9.She……………( collect) the rubbish to recycle for a week. 10.Engineers …………….(design) the green car.

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

I. Поставьте глаголы в present perfect continuous , переведите
1.People …………… (pollute) the atmosphere for 100 years.
2.Toxic fumes ………… (poison) our planet.
3.Air pollution ………….(destroy) the sculpture for 50 years.
4.The tap …………(leak) since morning.
5.People ………….(think )over green cities issues since they moved.
6.The family…………….. (use )solar power panel to heat the house in winter.
7.My parents …………..(donate) money to WWF for a long time.
8.The eco helpers …………..(plant) the trees all the morning.
9.She……………( collect) the rubbish to recycle for a week.
10.Engineers …………….(design) the green car.

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык


1. have been polluting

2. have been poisoning

3. has been destroying

4. has been leaking

5. have been thinking

6. have been using

7. have been donating

8. have been planting

9. has been collecting

10. have been designing


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